
24th IAS Steel Conference

Please, provide the company name

All costs are in American dollars - VAT is included.

Company information

Please, provide the company name (for billing proposes)
Please, provide the full address
Please, provide the city
Please, provide the postcode
Please, provide the state
Please, choose the country
Please, provide the phone number
Please, provide the website address

All sponsoring companies must supply company logo.

Accepted formats: PGN, JPG and SVG. Max file size allowed: 192 MB.

Social networks profiles

Contact person

Please, provide the first name
Please, provide the last name
Please, provide the email address
Please, provide the phone number


If, in the sole opinion of IAS, which shall be conclusive, the presentation of the 24th IAS Steel Conference and EXPO IAS 2022 is prevented either prior to or during the 24th IAS Steel Conference and EXPO IAS 2022, or use or access to the facilities and equipment of 24th IAS Steel Conference and EXPO IAS 2022 is impeded by fire, strikes (other than strikes of signing parties), acts of God, national emergency or for any other cause beyond the control of IAS, IAS may cancel this contract and the sponsoring company waives any claim against IAS for damages by reason of such cancellation except that IAS shall return to sponsoring company the amount already paid for the items applicable to 24th IAS Steel Conference and EXPO IAS 2022 contained within the contract or such portion thereof as shall represent the proportionate part of said event not held, less a pro-rata share of the pre-24th IAS Steel Conference and EXPO IAS 2022 expenses. In no event shall IAS be liable for any lost profits or incidental, consequential or punitive damages, even if advised of the possibility of same.

We understand this contract becomes binding when agreed by the sponsoring company and accepted by the Instituto Argentino de Siderurgia (IAS).

Billing information

Payment options